Date: 20/06/14

Bone Marrow Cancer Treatment for Dogs


Bone Marrow Cancer Treatment for Dogs

Doctors Edmund Sullivan and Theresa Westfall at Bellingham Veterinary have made some amazing advances in pet cancer treatments. When their beloved golden retriever, Comet, fell ill with lymphoma they new they had to find a way to treat it other than the common way which would have been a death sentence. They decided to attempt something that had been used in human cancer treatment before but never in pet cancer treatment. The procedure involves removing and preserving bone marrow stem cells (a painless procedure), radiation therapy is used to treat the cells and through DNA analysis, the patient's cells are checked for the presence of tumor cells before they are reinjected. More than 100 dogs have been cured with this treatment and it has greater than a 50% success rate. Want to know more about pet cancer? Visit our Pet Cancer Information Page.

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