Date: 20/06/14

Cat Comes Back After 13 Years


Cat Comes Back After 13 Years

A Geelong family is thrilled after they realised the stray cat that appeared on their doorstep was actually their missing pet returning home after 13 long years. The 17 year old cat was in poor form with matted fur and a lice infestation and it wasn't until owner Paula had taken her into her local veterinary clinic that it dawned on her that this may in fact be her beloved, lost pet. The missing cat, Shelby, has distinct markings and after comparing the photographic evidence Paula had kept for all these years with the marking on the stray she and the team of vets who helped treat the cat decided it was definitely Shelby. It is always great to hear of these happy reunions and makes you stop to think how devestating it would be to lose your own furry friend. If protected with a Petplan pet insurance policy you have access to cover that provides financial assistance to help you find your lost dog or cat. Get a free quote now: Petplan Pet Insurance Policy Options.

Source: Huffington Post UK

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