Date: 08/07/14

Renting With Pets


Renting With Pets

Pet owners know that finding a rental property is extremely difficult and horribly frustrating. There are only a small margin of pet-friendly apartments available and a massive amount of competition for said apartments. In Australia, where there are more pets than people it seems rather disappointing that only a small percentage of properties allow pets in rental apartments and this is forcing some pet owners to take drastic measures, in some instances pet owners are 'hiding' their pet at the property and in extreme cases putting their pet down. If you are faced with the challenge of renting with a dog or cat here are some steps we recommend:

1) Include a brief biography of your pet in your application. Small, calm pets are more likely to be accepted.
2) Include your pet's veterinary history.
3) Get Pet Insurance! Having pet insurance shows that you are a responsible pet owner.

The Australian Veterinary Association and the Australian Companion Animal Council have published a series of guides for landlords and renters that will hopefully help make this prejudice against pet owners history. You can access the AVA and ACAC guides here.

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